What’s on2023-09-10T13:21:10+00:00

What’s On

Our Church has a variety of ministries. There are times when we all worship together, such as on Sundays. At other times we meet in programmes and activities that are specifically geared for groups within the Church. We have something for everybody at Cookstown Baptist Church

When? Sunday’s after the children’s talk to the end of the morning service/communion.

Who? Babies and children pre-nursery (0-3 years)

Where? Church hall


When? Tuesdays 10.30 am – 12.00 pm (term time)

Who? Children of pre-school age

Where? Church hall

‘First Steps’ parent & toddler group is an informal and friendly group for babies and children of pre-school age along with their parents or carers.  Come along and enjoy:

  • Friendship – make friends with the other parents and carers.
  • Playtime – there are lots of toys for the children to play with.
  • Interaction – each session ends with a time of singing and/or story time.
  • Tea/Coffee – there are lovely treats for parents and children.

When? Fridays at 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm (October – Easter)

Who? Children of primary school age (4-11)

Where? Church hall

The aim of the Good News Club is to teach children the ‘good news’ of the Bible.  Come along and enjoy:

  • Bible stories
  • Singing
  • Memory verses
  • Bible quizzes


When? Sundays at 10.00 am (term time)

Who? Children & young people (aged 4-14)

Where? Church hall

The aim of the Sunday School is to teach the children and young people the truths of Scripture.  It is our desire to see young people coming to saving faith in Christ and being built up their faith through the teaching of God’s Word.

When? Sundays at 10.00 am (term time)

Who? Teenagers & young adults (aged 15+)

Where? Espie Room

The aim of Bible Class is to encourage our young people to engage and discuss the Bible.  The class takes the format of a more relaxed, informal, and interactive Bible study with opportunities to ask questions, work together in groups, and pray collectively.

When? Every Friday night of each month bar the first. (October – Easter) 8 – 9:30 pm

Who? 1st – 5th years

Where? Church hall

The aim of ‘Youth group is to introduce young people to Jesus in the hope that their lives would be ‘turned around’.

Building the foundation for true friendship

Come along and enjoy:

    • Team building activities
    • Raised heart rates
    • Sports style games
    • Outdoor nights
    • Home nights
    • Themed nights
    • Outside organisations
    • Boy/Girl nights
    • Retreats/Weekends


When? 3rd Sunday night of each month (term time – after church)

Who? Teenagers & young adults (aged 14+)

Where? In the homes of the leaders

There will be updates of all meetings on the Church Website Calendar and Notice Board.

The aim of the Baptist Youth Fellowship (BYF) is to encourage our young people to grow in their faith through the teaching of God’s Word.





When? 1st Saturday night of each month at 8.00 pm – 10.00 pm (October – Easter)

Who? Teens & Twenties

Where? Church hall

Talks from Manna are now available online

Manna is an evangelistic meeting for young people.  A typical night consists of worship, testimonies, an epilogue, and some fellowship around a cup of tea/coffee.

Check out our social media for up-to-date information

2019/20 Speakers

This year we are studying Gods word on “Relationships with…..”

5th October – Gareth Bell “Relationship with God”
2nd November – Dani Murphy (Exodus Lisburn) “Relationship with Family”
7th December – Andrew Thompson “Relationship with Other Believers”

4th January – Table Quiz  (all ages welcome)
1st February – Ian Wilson “Relationship with the opposite sex”
7th March – Andy Lamberton (Exodus NW) “Relationship with todays society”

All ages welcome

When? As announced

Who? All married couples

Where? Different homes

The aim of the married couples fellowship is for couples to spend time together getting building relationships and engaging the Bible.  Activities include Bible studies, games nights, and outings.


When? 2nd Monday night of each month at 8.00 pm – 9.30 pm (September – April)

Who? Women of all ages

Where? Church hall

There will be updates of all meetings on the Church Website Calendar and Notice Board.

The aim of the Baptist Women’s Fellowship (BWF) is to encourage our women to share fellowship with one another and to grow together in their faith.

When? 1st Thursday of each month at 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm (September – June)

Who? 50+

Where? Church hall

What? Senior Fellowship is aimed at those who have retired.  A typical meeting consists of worship, a guest speaker, and a time of fellowship around a bowl of soup and some tea/coffee.


When? 3rd Saturday of each month 8.00 am – 10.00 am (September – Easter)

Who? Men of all ages

Where? Church hall

There will be updates of all meetings on the Church Calendar and Notice Board.

The aim of the Men’s Ministry is to encourage our Men to share meaningful fellowship with one another, to get to know each other a little bit more, to learn from and encourage each other in their faith.


When? 3rd Tuesday of every month (apart from July & August).

Where? Local homes.

Who? Everyone welcome. If you want to sign up for a home group, let us know.

Why? Our vision is to have a biblical community where we can care for, encourage, and support one another in our faith. In line with this, we want to follow the NT pattern by nurturing a culture where we can grow, develop and use our gifts for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.

What? Interactive Bible study, personal prayer time, tea & coffee.


When? Monday and Friday of each week 10am-12noon

Who? Everyone

Where? Church Hall

So what is it and who’s it for? 
The Shelter is located in the hall beside the church and is a place where you can come and enjoy a tea or coffee, a traybake or scone and have a catch up or a chat with friends and family! It is open to absolutely everyone, old to young there is no age limit and we have high chairs and toys to keep the little ones amused!
Everything is complimentary and we have great parking facilities so you’ll not have to worry about fighting over a space!!

When? One Saturday night a month

Who? 20s & 30s

Where? Usually Church hall

Rooted is a relaxed space for young adults to meet and have fellowship together in an informal setting. We seek to build up friendships and pray collectively with the aim of equipping one another to remain rooted in our faith and love for Christ and His church. As disciples of Christ, let us spur one another on.

Keep up to date with events via our Instagram page (coming soon)

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